This Panel was established under the Central Education Council (advisory body for the Ministry of Education ) to examine the direction of special education for the new era. They had discussed from September 2019 to December 2020. According to Panel's material, the purpose is the following.
Children who need Special Need Education are rising because of advances in medical treatment, greater understanding of Special Need Education, and changing concept of disability. Under this circumstance, the significance of the Independent Activity(educational activities for children with disabilities to conquer difficulties) becomes higher. We review the current situation and challenges and examine the direction of special education, addressing each children's needs for a new era and how we can fulfill it.
The Panel submitted the final report to the Ministry of Education in March 2021.
●Controversial viewpoint、
・尾上裕亮「素案と条約 ―有識者会議を傍聴して②―」
・一木玲子「『新しい時代の特別支援教育の在り方に関する有識者会議報告』の国際的視点からの評価」『季刊 福祉労働』170号(2021.3)